Lake Texhoma Sail with Joe Psenica & Brian Fleishman
Date: 12/07/2009
Views: 6392
Denton World Food Festival
From my Spanish class, I learned that there was a world food festival being held in Denton on the weekend. I attended and it was a lot of fun and I met many interesting people from around the world.
Date: 09/26/2009
Size: 20 items
Views: 9849
Lake Texhoma Sail with Joe Psenica & David Vines
Old college friend David Vines decides to join Joe Psenica and me for a sail on Lake Texhoma.
Date: 09/05/2009
Size: 32 items
Views: 10342
Lunch in Frisco with Joe, Steve and Mary
Joe Psenica, Steve Marone and I try to get together every few months for lunch. Frisco is a great halfway point in driving distance between Highland Village and McKinney, where Steve Lives. Today Mary, Steve's wife showed up at our feast and we all cau